Are you interested to know what is fibonacci about? Fibonacci numbers are a sequence where the first terms are both 1. It is also used for many things such as mathematics also you could also found around the nature. Fibonacci camed from Arabic Number from a book called Liber Arabic. However, there is another way to figure out ancient greek by using proportion. While you are doing proportion, we needs to do cross multiply. When you do the fibonacci, you needs to divide the fibonacci then you needs to used the quadratic formula to figure out the sequences. When we tries to find out the sequences you needs to used F(n) is the output and the N is the input which helps to found out the next value of terms.
Here is the picture of a finger, music, and modern architecture.
In the fingers, you needs to measure the length of the bones in your finger like slightly bending your fingers. Also you cant finger out the ratio of the longest bone in a finger to the middle bone is PHI. It is actually about the golden section ratios of bone lengths in the human hand. "The lengths of fingers from their rotation points in almost 200 hands and again fails to find to find phi (the actual ratios found were 1:1 or 1:1.3)."
MUSIC: Piano:The basic structures of a regualr instruments display of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden section. The most widely used instrument in music, the piano, displays the use of Fibonacci numbers. For instance, there are 13 notes that separate each octave of 8 notes in a scale. The foundation of a scale is based around the 3rd and the 5th tones. Both pitches are whole tones, which are 2 steps from the 1st note of the scale, also called the root.
Ear Effection: The Fibonacci sequence can also display the preference of the human ear to music. The following is some Fibonacci music. It consists of the first eight Fibonacci numbers. For each new number that is performed, the note length is decreased rotationally by 1/2 or 1/3. After four steps of the sequence are completed the tune starts over at the root, one octave up, while the other one continues, so there is an overlapping effect.
Music: The keys of a piano also portray the Fibonacci numbers. Within the scale consisting of 13 keys, 8 of them are white, 5 are black, which are split into groups of 3 and 2.
ARCHITECTURE: This picture is a Core which has an inspiration from the tree, incorporating a central trunk and canopy roof that shades the ground and harvests the sun. The design is based on the Fibonacci code, Nature's fundamental growth blueprint, in which opposing spirals follow the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34...where every number is the sum of the previous two.
This is a place where I got all the pictures from:
Finger: http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html#rabeecow
Music: http://techcenter.davidson.k12.nc.us/Group2/music.htm
Modern Architecture: http://www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibInArt.html#art
I like the pictures ! Especially the musical notes.
Really interesting. Great pictures too.
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