The one that has the black background is with lines that show what does it has to do with Fibonacci numbers and that and that it is a swan neck that is curved. So then, the black graphing one explains why the swan's curved neck is somehow using Fibonacci numbers or the Arabic-Hindu number system by Leonardo of Pisa. I got the swan picture from this website: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kaddy/85792192/. Also for the black graphing one i got it from here: http://iluvkids.myweb.uga.edu/Goldenspiral.html
The next picture is the lightening and this picture is from this link: http://iluvkids.myweb.uga.edu/nature.html. Fibonacci also says that the number system that he introduced to Europe will also explain nature in numbers. Or the secret of nature.
After the lightening is the DNA. I got this picture here: http://goldennumber.net/images/dna-b.gif. how is DNA related to Fibonacci numbers? Well the DNA's pattern are kind of repeating and so its similar to the Fibonacci numbers pattern and also, it can be replaced as numbers with the molecules of the DNA. So if you want to know what is the Fibonacci numbers are is the next paragraph.
Fibonacci numbers is a unending sequence of numbers that is the sum of 2 numbers before it. Here is a example: If F(1) = 1 and F(2) = 1 it equals to 1+1=2 and after that you take the solution that would be 2 and the number before it that would be 1 and that equals a problem that is 2+1=3 and so on and the solutions that is beore also equals to the F(n) = value of a term. So n would be any term or number that would be subtituted to F(n). All of this is by a italian mathematician whose name is Leonardo of Pisa that lived approximately from 1170s to 1250s. He was nicknamed as Finoacci and that he was also the person that introduced the Hindu- Arabic number system to Europe by his book called "Liber abaci". To find things like finding perimeter of a house like today and other things we use today are things that are from Arabic-Hindu number system. To solve things and also that the golden ratio is also created by him. If you want to find the golden ratio you have to know the Fibonacci numbers. To get a golden ratio, First we have to find the proportion then cross muiltply it then use another formula that is called the quadratic formula to find the golden ratio.
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