Geometry Summer Academy at Oakland High School Summer 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Math Around the World
Choose a country and describe in your own words the mathematics people did in that country in ancient times.
Silverio Triangle

Vicky and me created a triangle on cardboard. First we had to draw the triangle on patty paper and then bisect the angles. Then we traced the triangle into the cardboard and we label the vertex and the midpoint. We colored the triangle then we had to balance the triangle in a pencil.
muting's goals
During this summer, I think I improve a lot, before I think I can't wake up to school, but I wasn't late in school. I do all my homework and turn in on time. I think I will keep doing my homework and have a good grade on it, if I don't know how to do my homework, I should ask my teacher and get help. I think I also have to pay more attention to what the teacher say.
Janet's Goals
During this summer, I think I improved alot. I have a goal for the new school year. I want to wake up early in the morning so I won't be late for school and pay attention in class, so I know how to do the work.
Susan's Goals
For this summer program to be over. I learned many things mostly math that I don't know like geometry. It was hard but i learned it little by little and also the academy let me see many colleges and university campuses. It also let me know what are the requirements for colleges and university and that i know what i have to do to get to my goal that is a career in medical. Also I know which classes i have to take to pass high school and also pass the requirements of the university that i want to go. so this is what i learned in the 1st annual summer algebra academy at oakland high school in the summer of 2007 from June 25 to July 27.
This summer I feel like I improve alot in diffrent stuff because Geometry was new to me. But I still little bit of help in diffrent stuff
Jenny's Goals
During this summer, I think i have improve everything cause i know that i can not be perfect. Also i learned many new things from Ms. Abernethy. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Basically I really wants to be a doctor, so I needs to do well at school. To reach my dream goals, I needs to be sucessful at SCHOOL. However I still got more school to go, I needs to try my best to achieved my goal. THANK YOU
My Fruity Goal Blog
What I improved on during this Geometry Summer Academy at Oakland High, is doing my home work. I really didn't do my home work a few days in a row, but I improved my home work habits. My ultimate goal is improve my study habits.
Jon's Goals
During this summer Academy I feel like I have gotten better at math and learned how to do geometry. I feel like I have gotten better at paying attention to the teacher and learning to do the assignments. For the future I don't really know what I want to do. Hopefully during high school I know what I want to do and figure out what college will help me achieve my goal.
Vicky`s Goal
This summer, I felt like I improved in doing my homework and not getting lazy about it. My goal for the year to come to school everyday and be on time.
alex's goals
the things that i learned/improved on is actually coming to class being on time and trying to do my best even though I did not.
But what i really did take with me is better organization skills.
But what i really did take with me is better organization skills.
Drew the triangle and found the centroid on the patty paper and then copy the construction on the cardboard. Drew the midpoint and connect it to the vertex. When balance on the pencil it is the median. Measure the length divided by the longer line and get a proportion and it come to a shorter length.
Babylonians Math

Babylonians used clay tablets to do math in them. The clay tablets included fractions, algebra, quadratic and cubic equations. It also had the Pythagorean theorem, and the calculation of Pythagorean triples. Also the Babylonian tablet gives an aproximation to the square root of 2 to 6 decimal places. The Babylonian mathematical system was sexagesimal. Babylonian mathematicians also developed algebraic methods of solving equations. The Babylonians also used geometry and trigonomaetry.
alex's centeriod
the centeriod of the triangle is the point of intersection of the three mediansthe one that I made is balanced directly in the middle. (picture in progress) so as if you divided the tringle in half length wise it would be equal on both sides .
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Math in China, by Muting

Do you want to know more about the math in ancient china? Let me tell you some, there's a lot a math that the ancient Chinese use, the scales, the abacus and even some of the numbers that the ancient Chinese use. Abacus is one of them, you think the calculator is more easy than an abacus, but when you learn it, it is easy. The abacus have the top and bottom, each circle on top represent 5, and each circle at the bottom represent 1, so at the bottom when you use the thumb move up 1 that means 1, but at the top, when you use the middle finger move down 1, that means 5. That's how the Chinese use the abacus for hundreds ago. The ancient Chinese also use the easy symbol to calculate the math, for example, they place the zero, in to space, so it is easy to remember like the picture that show. They also use the negative numbers, they use it at the last of the number and cross it out so it means negative.
Euclid's Element by Susan L.

Euclid's Elements is a mathematical and geometric treatise, consisting of 13 books, written by the Hellenistic mathematician Euclid in Alexandria circa 300 BC. It comprises a collection of definitions, postulates also called axiom, propositions, and mathematical proofs of the propositions. The 13 books cover Euclidean geometry and the ancient Greek version of elementary number theory. The Elements is the oldest extant axiomatic deductive treatment of mathematics, and has proven instrumental in the development of logic and modern science. Euclid's Elements is the most successful textbook ever written. It was one of the very first works to be printed after the printing press was invented, and is second only to the Bible in number of editions published. It was used as the basic text on geometry throughout the Western world for about 2,000 years. For centuries, when the quadrivium was included in the curriculum of all university students, knowledge of at least part of Euclid's Elements was required of all students. Not until the 20th century did it cease to be considered something all educated people had read.
Jenny's Mayan Number at Ancient Mexico

Do you know that Mexico used ancient math? The Maya is an acient tribe in Mexico. The Mayan system of writing numbers was very simple. The way they wrote out numbers was using bars and dots. Each dot represents a 1 and each bar represents a 5. They could used the same system and also they could write out any number from one to twenty by placing bars and dots on top of eachother. There is another way that we could used it, by add two of the Mayan numverals together very easily by adding the dot together. The Mayan system was similar like we are having symbols right now.This same system are also used today in the tribes suchas Hopi and Inuits. They can also add with these large number easily because it mostly be small digits. This is the way that you guys could figure out the Mayan number. First add together the bars and dots in the 1s place. When the sum is over twenty, there will be some carrying to the next will involved. Next, you add the bars and dots in together that are in the 20s place. However, they could used other materials to helps you figure out. Also in the acient time, they used to trade with he same amount of things so they wont get ripped off. Eventually, every country math started to spread over the world and people are started learning and it is alsoo really useful over the world.
Prime numbers

Eucild was the first to prove that prime number is infinity because it goes on forever and ever. He used the well known prime number to add it to every product. For example, 2*3+1=7. Then he continue by adding 5 to the same problem, 2*3+5+1=31 and it came out to be a prime number too. Unfortunally some of the problem didn't come out to be a prime number but there are still more prime when he keep doing the process. This is his proof:P1,P2,P3,..Pn representing the prime and the numbers. Multiply them and then add by 1 calling this a new interger q. When hte multipy and add to equal to q it is a prime number. When the answer is not q then it have to be divided by and it's called r. Dividing q with the prime number will come to a remainder 1 so it can not be a prime number.
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